"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Aikido? what's that?
Friday, November 04, 2005,11:56 AM
What does Aikido mean?
Literally Aikido is the way to harmonize your vital energie.
(Aiki means the union of a men and a woman. Could this be just a coincidence? what do you need to be in sintony with the opposite gender)

But enough of meanings since everyone has an own personal idea, what does Aikido means?

I've my own personal opinion and i think for example: your aikido can be described everytime you wake up.

There's nothing besides you right there in your bed. There's something ringing and you know it's your alarm but even so you don't move a straw. You can always say: that's when you reach Satori, but no... you're just a bit lazy... :D
you know exactly what you have to do so, you jump out of the bed and you get ready of the amazing day you have in front of you. You open your arms as much as you can and smile. That's Aikido: The strength to smile everytime even thou the sun is hard to see.
Aikido is the feeling you have once you step the tatami and forget everything that once had bothered you.
Aikido is Life, love, harmony for yourself and for those who are all around you.
Don't you want to feel your energy flow??
posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink |