"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Aikido? what's that?
Thursday, January 18, 2007,7:30 PM
18th January_ what to do... what to do...
HI there!
the seminar at the hospital is going fine. Well after we had decided what would be the patients for me (we have to have at least 2) i realized that few of them actually talk with me. I'm in the neurosurgery area and so i get some cases of brain cancer, post miningits, strokes and some tetra and paraplegias. Anyway i have to agree that i never thought i would love so much to work in this area.
Anyway its already 2 weeks of seminar and i'm always learning or feeling somehow different everyday. My main patient is 64 years old and he had multiple strokes. He has a speech afasia. It's great to feel that everyday i understand him a bit more, when he has pain, where, when he is more sad or when he wants to laugh of my silly jokes. To be honest, I truly ike him. He has really a sweet look and i can imagine that he must have been a great person. Anyway, even thou i know that probably it will not be enough i'm doing my best to make him feel better at least a bit everyday. It's amazing how his smile seems to make the sunlight brighter. it's quite magical i must say.
ANother thing, these following pictures are quite bad because at that time i only had my phone camera. I'm sorry for those more sensitive to the lack of quality :P

The sun at 7:48 while i'm in the train going to the hospital

well now about Aikido.. :D

As all of you can imagine i hadn't that much time for Aikido lately. Well first of all i was ill in the first week of the seminar and it was the hell to make me move since everything was hurting. I've gone this week and i took some pictures of my cousin so you can see how she's cute! :D

I still have some new that i was almost avoiding to tell but, anyway i have to: i quitted giving classes. With as much work as i'm having now it's quite hard to think or be 100% fine to teach Aikido. It was quite sad for me to make this decision, (well you know how much i loved it) but i couldn't harm anyone or make them stop because of my seminar so i gave my class to my collegue.

I'll keep going to the class time to time but at least this way i know that once i'll change the hospital or i'll not be able to go the class will still go on. It was the best i could do.

Presenting Margarida... :) my sweet cute cousin...

Mae ukemi: "see? now i'm not fearing it!!!" cit

Just for the picture... Margarida once again... "how can I be in internet? don't you need to have a factory?" cit

Time to go home...

Well gotta keep on working! hugs for everyone


posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink | 5 comments
Thursday, January 04, 2007,11:00 AM
Thanks... Happy new year!!!!!

Bom Natal
Merry Xmas...
(quite late i know)


BOM ANO 2007

and just for entertainment i'll send some pictures of Lisboa (capital) on christmas...

I'm sorry for the silence but holidays are holy days for me so i try to keep myself away from the computer... Anyway i want to tell i'm really sorry if i let myself rule by stress (exams and exams) to Makabe because most probably you had good will in what you told but i missunderstood. Well, i try myself not to lie of memories and when i say i'm nostalgic it's a good feeling and not a sad one. Mat thanks for you had made me see the reality out of the could i had in front of me...

At the same time i want to send a big hug to uchi deshi and a great happy new year for you too my friend.

Budo Blues i'm sorry for i had only seen your non stop blues maybe too late for it... ANyway i'll try and keep in touch with all the information you wrote ;)

Well i'm out now! (i'll begin my seminars os the university next week but i'll try to take some photos of the classes i'll be able- not too much i fear- to go). As always i cannot promise a thing... :S

HUgs for everybody and a GREAT AWESOME AND COLOSSAL NEW YEAR 2007

posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink | 5 comments