"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Aikido? what's that?
Tuesday, July 11, 2006,1:11 PM
New old photos :D from the last year class on the beach

posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink |


  • At 1:36 PM, Blogger Mathieu

    Nice to see an update!
    I found your blog through Uchi Dechi.

    Devoted to training. I try to be. I just like doing it. I don't ask myself why. Just do it, the company says. I believe it's the best way to approach training, else comes demotivation.

    I just train to be the best fighter I can be. I love karate. Can't tell you why, though. It's just the way that found me.

    Those pictures look really nice.

  • At 8:08 PM, Blogger Dr. Augustus Dayafter

    AWESOME pictures! Did you take them? If so, you so could have a career as a photojournalist! I get to add another martial arts link to my blog now too!

  • At 11:31 PM, Blogger uchi deshi

    Ola Aline! Obrigado para sua mensagem. I've been busy, too, and slowly preparing for my shodan. I'm glad to see that you are writing again, and posting such nice photos.

  • At 4:01 AM, Blogger Mathieu

    Hi Aline.

    to answer your question in the best way I can and in the shortest sentence possible :

    I just like Karate. Training makes me stop thinking. Life stops. Worries stop. There's just me, the tatami, Sensei and other students.

    Nowhere else do I feel that way. The first time I practiced karate, it was as if I had already done it. As if I had just found a long lost brother and just put my hand on his shoulder with a big smile. There's just no other way to say it. It's as much a part of me as I am part of it.

    Hugs to you