"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Aikido? what's that?
Wednesday, October 18, 2006,4:01 PM
Magic in the dojo!_ still Munich
Still in Munich, one night, the group have gathered! (people from czech republic and me) we had dinner and after more people had arrived. In all different people that were there luckily most of them talked english (others don't but we talked anyway_ sometimes more through sounds! :D).
Maybe because sometimes the silence appear (well let us be honest, we didn't know anyone there so asking intrusive question was sure a bad option!) some people began with magic tricks! I had really lots of fun! I thought about my friend (Joao Blumel) who really loves magic tricks and sure he has to teach me some! We had from cut fingers to the manifestation of the mental power- the so called "KI"- in a great and admirable ........ MATCH! :D

There were really great laughs there but unfortunately the day after was the last day so... It's sad to say but... it was time to get back to Portugal and to classes at school.... :S :D ehehe

posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink |


  • At 6:16 AM, Blogger Unknown

    I am a long time aikidoka who has trained all over the world. I consider myself a citizen of the planet and enjoy networking globally. Your blog is refreshing for its honesty. I am also just beginning blogging and am trying for a quality site (http://www.budoblues.blogspot.com/) with an atypical orientation. Please check it out and if you enjoy where it seems to be going could you link it from yours to mine? With your permission I would like to do the same. Keep up the sincere training.

  • At 3:02 PM, Blogger Unknown

    Aline -
    Personal is universal. Aikido is about experience. Life is about experience and travel is better than arrival. Integrity is about being with that experience totally and in the moment. We all "only don't know".
    Bon Voyage!