"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Aikido? what's that?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007,12:20 PM
The end....

HI there...

Mat thank you for you 've sent me that message. for sure it was the little "hush" i was needing.

Why was i so much silented? I wonder why should we force sometimes what it was sure to happen? things in dojo were not fine at all. Maybe i've found the excuse of the seminars for quitting... i don't know. i just know i'm hurted with people from Aikido and i'm not pretending to go back. A lot of feeling are still floating on me and i need to be able to forget (maybe even forgive) in order that i'll be able to be in harmony again. Just imagine when all you thought it was YOU is vanished. i've made of Aikido my life... as a matter of fact, my choice as a physiotherapist was because of Aikido.

Now... after so much disappointment i'm learning to know myself once again...

The silence was something i was needing.. i mean, this blogue was a proof of all great moments i've passed there and i was quite sad to think it was gone. But it is gone... it won't come back.

this will be my last post.

Thank you All... All of you were great and truly kind to me but even thou i still do sometimes Aikido the feeling is not the same so i cannot write with the feelings i had before.

Adore You ALL

Wishing all of you the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink |


  • At 4:40 PM, Blogger Mathieu

    Sorry to hear that.

    I'll keep this link in case you should re-apparate in the blog environnement.

    Be well, Aline.


  • At 8:23 PM, Blogger uchi deshi

    Ola Aline. Eu sou muito pesaroso ouvir-se sobre seus problemas. Eu espero que eu me ouça de você outra vez.

  • At 8:31 PM, Blogger EboRâguebi

    Um homem com o dom de ser homem! Sou um homem, em toda a sua magnitude da palavra! Não me dêem fórmulas certas. Porque eu não espero acertar sempre. Não me mostrem o que tenho que fazer porque vou seguir o meu coração. Não me façam ser quem não sou, não me convidem a ser igual, por que sinceramente sou diferente. Acredito no meu amor e nos meus valores pessoais! Falo, faço e assumo! Sou intenso! 100% Homem, 100% Menino, 100% Tudo. Desfaço-me, Mas refaço-me!...Pois Deus está sempre comigo! Sou Audacioso! Corajoso! Ousado! Porque o mundo pertence a quem se atreve!

    Veja o meu Blog.

  • At 8:14 AM, Blogger gilgamesh

    Bom dia Aline
    Faço voto que o ano 2009 corra bem para si.
    Jean-Marc Duclos

  • At 3:14 PM, Blogger Mathieu

    Thank you again for your words.

    hope you are doing well.

    this picture of you is lovely.