"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Aikido? what's that?
Saturday, November 26, 2005,5:49 PM
Shyshiya Sensei and the Republic Checz
15-19th November 2005
My first international seminar outside Portugal....

Me and my sensei had been planing thistrip for quite a long period and we had big expectations: what could be expecting us? How's their Aikido? how's Prague?
Nothing could prepare us for the kindness and amability they have shown when we arrived.
The seminar was great and sensei's presence is something speechless. His smile is something unusual because everytime he smiles i had the sensation that everyone smiled back.
Even thou their Aikido was too much diferent than ours i really liked everything i learned. Instead of being just harmonious they were eficient but every single movement of our bodies should not harm the opponent. This may seem controversal but sensei explained the reasons to do so so easily that maybe the only way to understand 100% would be from hearing from his own mouth.

I met many different kinds of people but all of them were so kind that just to remeber that week i can feel a nostalgic feeling. From Far the BEST seminar I ever did.
Small "dedication"
JIri Marek-- Words won't be enough for me to explain how much i'm thankful for all your help and dedication. (i still need to learn how to say your name. :S)
Tomas Ambro- Thanks for all the bother i've caused you and for all the laugh. you have to learn portuguese :D (Obrigada... eheheheheh)
JIri Èabís- Keep being the same crazy man. Your laugh is contagious. By the way thanks for that snow ball right in my mouth... you'll pay for it ;)
Larry-- You are amazing! Thanks for all the patience you had with me when you explained me all the details. By the way
Kuroki Takashi-sama-- the sensei that always has a special card in his pocket :D You are always so polite, dedicated and kind that sometimes i lost myself watching you move. Thank for all the help and patience you had with me.
Alex-- the man with a secret... ;) so you could talk spanish and you haven't told anyone? :D thanks for everything...
Sweden friends (gosh i don't know how but i forgot their names... :S Sorry...)- you were all awesome. Thank you for all. (it's a shame that i don't have your email...) by the way, "Sweden it's oh so cold" :D
Last but not the least-- Shyshiya Sensei-- Sensei's first smile (i've seen) and presence will always be one of my dearest memories. Thanks for all sensei's kindness and we sure will meet again.

I know i forgot so many people but for all that were in Jicin i send a special thanks.

We left Prague sooner than we expected due to some inconvinience in Portugal but when the plane took off we made a promised that that won't be the last time we were in CZ.

Thanks CZ, all amazing people i knew and of course Shyshiya sensei, for everything you have shown me with your smile.
posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink | 3 comments
Tuesday, November 08, 2005,5:46 PM
Iaido-- the art of the sword

Iaido at the beach
I really don't know about yourself but when you have the ocean in front of you and the wind whispering at your ear, don't you think Iaido turns to be Much better? or easier?
I do feel something's different...
posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink | 2 comments
,5:39 PM

Moments before we get inside the water.

From right to left:
Filipe, Tito, Aires (white belt), me, (behind me--> Catarina), Hugo (wearing a hakama), Pedro
posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink | 0 comments
,5:29 PM
Big 'ol family
on top: from left to right--> Pedro, Hugo, Filipe, Aires, Catarina, Jerónimo
down: from left to right--> Ricardo, Francisco, Rafael, Pedro, sensei Eduardo Luis, me, Tito

Here's a picture i really love: big ol' family. Not as big as it but even so sounds kinda perfect to me. We had a class at the beach and after it we went the water. It was kinda cold but we managed to get in ;).
We learnt a lot and tryed as hard as we can to not give up and keep the practice since it's much harder on the sand. but we needed to forget about the sand and concentrate about the movement. That was not easy at first but after a couple of mae ukemi we began to do it so (I hope :P)
posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink | 0 comments
,5:19 PM
Sensei's introduction
Sensei Eduardo Luis 4th Dan (posing :) and teaching yonkyo)
Teaches Aikido for more than 20 years
posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink | 0 comments
,1:37 PM
Be proud of your Flag

The flag of my dojo
"Portuguese Academy of Aikido"
posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, November 04, 2005,3:09 PM
What's this?
My name's Aline (i'm 18) and i've been doing Aikido for 4 years.
I'm 1st kyo and i know my path has a lot to be written.

This blog will work as a test for my english (:P) and for my capacity to work, that is, i'll try to write every week about my training and my seminars.

For this i'll need your help. if you see anything that needs to be checked or corrected or even you just want to give your opinion, comment it.

Thank you a lot

Aline Filipe :D
posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink | 0 comments
,11:56 AM
What does Aikido mean?
Literally Aikido is the way to harmonize your vital energie.
(Aiki means the union of a men and a woman. Could this be just a coincidence? what do you need to be in sintony with the opposite gender)

But enough of meanings since everyone has an own personal idea, what does Aikido means?

I've my own personal opinion and i think for example: your aikido can be described everytime you wake up.

There's nothing besides you right there in your bed. There's something ringing and you know it's your alarm but even so you don't move a straw. You can always say: that's when you reach Satori, but no... you're just a bit lazy... :D
you know exactly what you have to do so, you jump out of the bed and you get ready of the amazing day you have in front of you. You open your arms as much as you can and smile. That's Aikido: The strength to smile everytime even thou the sun is hard to see.
Aikido is the feeling you have once you step the tatami and forget everything that once had bothered you.
Aikido is Life, love, harmony for yourself and for those who are all around you.
Don't you want to feel your energy flow??
posted by 100 AsssunTTo | Permalink | 0 comments